Martin Luther King Jr March in Wilmington….

I had gotten word there was going to be a march for peace in Wilmington last week, organized by the Wilmington Peacekeepers.

The march ran from 4th and Rodney, along 4th st, to 3rd and Jackson St. It was peacefull and well attended. Here are a few of my favorite from the march.

As Always critics and comments welcome.



Martin Luther King Jr. Day march in Wilmington, Delaware on January 19, 2015


Wilmington City Council Member, Robert Williams(D), Stands with the marchers in prayer, at the Martin Luther King Jr. Day march in Wilmington, Delaware on January 19, 2015


Fr. Chris Posch takes the microphone to lead a prayer in English and Spanish at the Martin Luther King Jr. Day march in Wilmington, Delaware on January 19, 2015


Martin Luther King Jr. Day march in Wilmington, Delaware on January 19, 2015


A Wilmington police officer, is handed the microphone to speak to the marchers at the Martin Luther King Jr. Day march in Wilmington, Delaware on January 19, 2015


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